Today's Chat


Hey Everybody...VALENTINES DAY is upon us !!

This week's article may be a bit early for my Happy Valentine wish to you folks...but it serves as a good reminder. Are you aware that February 12th is HUG DAY....and that February 15th is Marked Down Chocolates Day ? Well, there Ya' go !

While we are at it, Valentines Day is also called St. Valentines Day or Feast of St. Valentine. It's always been the celebration of love and affection.

Not just for people in committed relationships, but more and more for observing the love we have for our family members, friends and to show kindness to those lonely folks who need to receive a card with a simple: I love you!

This special day last year cost 19.7 billion dollars in gifts to loved ones and of our Pets.

As far as jewelry, engagement rings were the most searched for. If you are lucky enough to be asked: What do you want for a Valentines gift...answer quickly or they will give you another year to think about it. (And we don't want we Ladies....).

My niece, Crystal, asked Uncle Festus: How much does it cost to get married? Festus answered: I don't know dear, I'm still paying for it !

Aunt Patsy wants to get a boob job for Valentines Uncle Pete bought her BUST-UP GUM. It does bring on more backaches, but guarantees LESS traffic tickets !

Aunt Martha gave Festus a new bath scale. He stepped up on it and sucked in his stomach. Martha said: That's not going to help ! Festus answered: Sure it's the only way I can see the numbers ! Martha got back with him for the Black Flannel he gave her when she wanted sexy lingerie.

Between you and me....I don't understand why CUPID was chosen to represent Valentines Day ! When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon !! At times, I bet it even reminds a lot of married folks what a POOR SHOT Cupid really was !

What do you call two birds in love? TWEET-HEARTS.

Happy Dude..Happy Mood .... Buying Men gifts is an uphill battle for us gals. Beer cupcakes, cashews and new t.v.controls top the list. A new sofa came in next. Hmmmmm.... J.D. says: All I need is Love....but a little chocolate now and then never hurts !! Warning: Never touch HIS candy jar !!

You know what the boy octopus lovingly said to the girl octopus? I want to hold your Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand,Hand, Hand !

How did the HEART become the symbol of Valentines Day? Well, I guess otherwise we might be looking at a liver or spleen or bladder? No way !! The human heart has always been associated with emotion and pleasures. Medieval Days were the first to use the heart-shaped symbol. By the 18th and 19th centuries, the heart became the motif in love notes and Valentine Day cards.

The HEART that loves is forever YOUNG ! The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye, but found by the heart. I guess that explains why the near-sighted porcupine fell in love with the pin cushion !

You know those tiny candy hearts with sayings on them? Well, why don't they say useful things like: Pick up your socks, wipe your feet at the door (better yet, REMOVE them), stop snoring, take feet off coffee table, feed YOUR dog, beer cans are NOT ashtrays, turn off light when you leave the room, shut fridge door after midnight snacks, stop hogging bed covers and I am sure that we can ALL add many more requests.

Oh, I guess we are being a little rough on our Soul Mates... because over all we love them and need them in our lives. Love makes the world go round.

I wish ALL of YOU a very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY and may you ALL be reminded how important you are and how much you are truly loved !! Cards and trinkets are a sweet way to offer tokens of love ... but most important is that kiss and hug given in all sincerity and heartfelt love....

We will Chat next week.....
Many of MY HUGS sent your way.......

P.S. Well, of all things....!! I forgot to mention the best Valentine I have ever received in my lifetime...and that is the Birth of my youngest son.
Yep...on February 14th 3:30 AM in Longview, Washington. He weighed 10 pounds and was 22 inches long. Now, shame on could I ever forget that!!! Just wanted to share that special event with you and tell you about my most special Valentine that keeps on giving year after year !!