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UCHRA recertification
Began Jan. 2
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency would like to remind those who receive assistance through the Temporary Emergency Food Assis-tance Program, known as Commodities; it is time for recertification of their commodities card. With 2013 deliveries right around the corner, it is very important for recipients to recertify their commodity card with their local county offices prior to the first pick-up date.
Recertification date began Jan. 2.
If you think you or someone you know qualifies for this program, please contact the UCHRA office in your county for more information.
The UCHRA county telephone: Cannon County 615-563-2916
Trading Post,
Spring Fling Flea Market Day
The Short Mountain Trading Post is putting a shout out to anyone wishing to set up a flea market table or caopy at no cost to join in the Spring Fling Flea Market Day on Saturday, April 5th. Call Savannah now to make your reservation at 615-464-7824. Call now!
Cannon Arts Dance begins spring classes
Spring semester classes will begin February 3-7 at Cannon Arts Dance Studio, 119 West Main Street in Woodbury.
For more info, call 563-9122 or go to Like us on Facebook at Cannon Arts Dance.
Industrial Development Board, Feb. 3
The Industrial Devel-opment Board will meet at 6 p.m. in the Arts Center.
Auditions for
The Boys Next Door
Tuesday, Feb. 4 and Thursday, Feb. 6
Auditions will be conducted Tuesday, February 4 at 6 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. Those auditioning should be prepared to do cold readings from the script.
Will also be interviewing those interested in stage managing the show.
Woodbury City Council
Tuesday, Feb. 4
The town of Woodbury Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. in Woodbury City Hall.
The Cavaliers
Feb. 8
Come hear quality, uplifting music and stirring ballads from a group of guys that love God and Love people. The Cavaliers will be at First United Methodist Church, 502 West High Street, Woodbury, TN on Feb. 8, at 7 pm.
County Commission
Cannon County Commission will meet Tuesday, February 11 at 5 p.m. in the Courthouse.
Beauty and the Beast Jr.
Weekends through
Feb. 16
The Arts Center of Cannon County will perform Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Jr. the weekends of Feb. 7-9 and 14-16. The performance schedule for all shows is Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Ticket smay be purchased in advance by calling the Arts Center box office at (615) 563-2787 or 1-800-235-9073. In addition we invite you to "be our guest" and join Belle and her friends for a fun-filled breakfast at The Blue Porch @ The Arts Center, Feb. 8th & 15th. The delicious breakfast prepared by the Blue Porch will be just the ticket for an unforgettable experience with a Disney princess. Reservations may be made by calling the Arts Center at 615-512-3107 or online at
Qualifying Deadline
Thursday, Feb. 20
Qualifying papers for the May 6 Republican Primary are due at noon.
TN Mafia Jug Band
Friday, Feb. 21
The Tennessee Mafia Jug Band, featuring Leroy Troy, will appear in concern at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Center
Silversneaker Class
at The Senior Center
The Senior Center will offer the Silversneaker Classic Class on Tuesday nights at 6 p.m. The exercise room will also be open from 5:30 to 7 p.m. This is to provide an exercise option for our many “60+” people in the community who are still working. The class is also available for members who can’t attend some days due to other commitments. Please help us spread the word about this new concept at the Senior Center and help make it a success.
Woodbury United Methodist Church to hold Chili Supper and Auction
First United Methodist Women, 1st UMC, Woodbury, will be holding its AnnualChili Supper and Auction on SAturday, February 22 at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
Proceeds go to support mission work within our community. Tickets are on sale now or available at the door. Adults $5.00; children under 12 are $3.00; children under 3 are free. The church fellowship hall is located at 502 W. High Street. For further info, call 563-6555.
Rutherford, Cannon County United Way,
March 4, 2014
The United Way will hold its 2014 Community Celebration from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Embassy Suites, Murfrees-boro
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance?
For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Developments District toll free at 1-877-275-8233.
Adult relative support group meetings are held, every 4th Wednesday of each month, from 3:30 - 4:30AM at Fiddler's Annex on 125 Fiddler's Drive, Smithville, TN.
For housing assistance while caring for minor child, contact Myra Walker at 931-432-4111.
Stones River Relay 2014, Race to the Mill
Saturday, April 5
Arts Center Of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Highway, Woodbury.
Registration Deadline
Monday, April 7
The last day to register to vote in the May 6 election is Monday, April 7 at the Election Commission Office. Registration by mail forms must also be submitted by this date.