THC Select asks U.S. Circuit Court to intervene

Attorneys for THC Select are asking U.S. District Court to block CannonCounty’s attempt to evict the manufacturer from its Alexander Drive operation in Woodbury.

 In a suit filed in U.S. District Court in Nashville, THC Select is asking the Court to either award compensatory damages or restore THC to the position it was prior to the move to Woodbury including a judgment for all costs, operation downtime and expenses associated with THC’s relocation to Cannon County.

 “THC sustained significant moving costs, operational downtime and associated expenses in relocating its factory to Cannon Countyand made substantial investments in and improvements to the premises,” the suit said. “On information and believe, those costs, downtown, expenses and investments and improvements exceed $533,000.”

 A Jan. 7 initial case management hearing is set before Judicial Magistrate Juliet Griffin at the U.S. Courthouse in Nashville.

 Cannon County’s Industrial Development Board, the focus of the lawsuit, is scheduled to meet tonight (Monday, Nov. 26) to discuss the legal action. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Courthouse with a closed door, lawyer/client meeting. The session will open to the public following that meeting.