Super Heroes

Super Heroes

Kiley Hughes, 2019 award winning participant in the 4-H All District Speech competition, stands by the Phoenix mascot of Cumberland University. The Phoenix, a reflection of fire-forged excellence and grace, is an instantly recognizable symbol of the insti

"Are you a fan of super heroes?", questioned Kiley Hughes of Auburntown at the All District 4-H speech contest at Cumberland University, Lebanon, TN on February 2nd. After winning school and County 4-H speech contests, Hughes garnered 3rd overall in her first year of high school regional speech competitions.

Representing Cannon County, Hughes laid out how super heroes embody 4-H leadership. They make best choices by using their heads for clearer thinking, hearts for greater loyalty, hands to larger service and health to better living. These actions embody the 4-H Pledge, Motto and Slogan of Making the Best Better and Learn By Doing.

As a winning participant, Hughes earned a partial scholarship to the annual 4-H Congress in Nashville on March 17th. This is the 72nd year of 4-H Congress that teaches how TN state government functions and encourages 4-H'ers to continue leadership roles in their community.