Substance abuse prevention meeting Oct. 10

Your input and opinion is needed! The Cannon County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, October 10th at 11:00 am. This will be the third of four Community Assessment meetings facilitated by the Tennessee National Guard Counter Drug Task Force. The focus of this meeting will be to review and discuss the brainstormed Problem Statements of the last meeting, and the compiled history and description of the community. Come and be a participant in this important county-wide effort.

If you are interested in helping improve the wellbeing and overall health of our community by reducing opioid and substance misuse, YOUR input is needed. Please make plans to attend the meeting on Thursday, October 10th at 11:00 am at the Woodbury Lions Club Memorial Building, 634 Lehman Street, Woodbury, TN. You CAN make a difference. ALL are welcome.