Schools announce District-Level Teachers of the Year 2018-2019

Schools announce District-Level Teachers of the Year 2018-2019

From left: Cannon County Schools District Teachers of the Year 2018-2019 - PreK-4th Grade - Mrs. Lisa Vickers of Auburn School; 5th Grade - 8th Grade - Dr. Melissa Killian of Woodbury Grammar School; 9th Grade - 12th Grade - Mrs. Rena Peeler-House of Cann

Cannon County Schools take pleasure in honoring the District-Level Teachers of the Year for the 2018-2019 School Year. Each teacher was selected to represent the Cannon County School District in three categories: PreK-4thGrade; 5th Grade - 8th Grade; 9th Grade - 12th Grade. One Teacher in each category was selected by a committee to represent Cannon County as the District Teacher of the Year in the Upper Cumberland CORE Region. A special announcement and ceremony took place on Friday, February 1st, 2019 - 8:00 AM at Woodbury Grammar School during In-Service Activities to honor these teachers and announce the School District winners in each category. The following teachers were selected to represent Cannon County Schools as District Teachers of the Year 2018-2019:

PreK-4th Grade - Mrs. Lisa Vickers of Auburn School - Mrs. Vickers has taught for 11 years and is currently serving her first year as a First Grade Teacher at Auburn School in Auburntown, TN. She has previously taught at Short Mountain School 2016-2018, Stewart's Creek Elementary School in Rutherford County 2010-2016, and Woodbury Grammar School 2008-2010. Mrs. Vickers stated, "Being an effective teacher requires dedication, differentiation, and determination. I am dedicated to see every student is challenged every day and determined to help every student every student engage in excellence every day."

5th Grade - 8th Grade - Dr. Melissa Killian of Woodbury Grammar School - Dr. Killian has taught for 11 ½ years and currently serves as Title I: Reading/Math Interventionist K-8 at Woodbury Grammar School in Woodbury, TN. She has previously taught 2nd and 3rd Grades at Woodbury Grammar School and is an Adjunct Faculty Member of Curriculum Instruction for Tennessee Technological University at the McMinnville 2+2 Program Campus. She recently earned her Ph.D. in Exceptional Learning in Literacy at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, TN. Dr. Killian stated, "As a Reading and Math Interventionist, I focus not only the needs of the whole group but also on the needs of individual students. Since I have small groups of students of varying abilities throughout the day, I often have to think outside the box of how to get them interested in what I am teaching or how to use unconventional ways of instruction, which requires a lot of trial and error."

9th Grade - 12th Grade - Mrs. Rena Peeler-House of Cannon County High School - Mrs. House has taught for 22 years and currently serves as Life Skills/CDC Teacher at Cannon County High School in Woodbury, TN for the past 16 years. She has previously as a Substitute Teacher 2002-2003, State of Tennessee various positions 199-2002, and Adult Education Classes for Cannon County Schools and Rutherford County Schools 1996-1997. Mrs. House stated, "In my classroom, we assist our students by helping them do the best they can daily. I set expectations and challenge my students daily to become the best person they can be. I have had the opportunity to help students learn job skills so they can be successful in their daily life as well as on the job."

Director of Cannon County Schools William F. Curtis stated regarding these excellent examples of the quality of educators in Cannon county Schools, "We are tremendously proud of each one of these outstanding educators. Each one of these deserving teachers exemplify the MISSION of Cannon County Schools - 'Preparing ALL Students for Their Future' through our VISION -'The New E3 -Engaged in Excellence Every Day.' These individuals live the Mission and Vision every moment of every day, and we salute them for their distinguished efforts! All of us in the Cannon County School District stand behind these outstanding individuals and wish them the very best as they represent the finest of Cannon County Educators in the Upper Cumberland area of the State of Tennessee!"