School Board to hire legal counsel

The Cannon County Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, July 13, at Woodbury Grammar School. Among the items discussed and voted on were:

A recommendation by board chairman Bruce Daniel to hire legal counsel to represent the school. "I think we need an attorney," Daniel said. "We need one that the board can go to for advice."

Daniel made a motion for the board to hire an attorney. He said the board would contact the Tennessee School Board Association for recommendations. Jevin Fann seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-1, with Tim Powers voting against. Board member Nathan Sanders was not at the meeting.

The board passed a motion to seek bids for installing new tables and chairs at the Cannon County High School cafeteria, CCHS principal Mike Jones told the board the cafeteria is in need of upgrading and additional seating. The project would involve the installation of 24 tables, which would increase seating capacity to 280. Two of the tables would be ADA-accessible.

The vote to let the project out for bid passed unanimously.

The board also passed a motion to set the salary of maintenance personnel at the amount at the hourly rate of $15.

In another matter, the board rejected a request from the Cannon County Commission's Budget Committee to reduce the school's portion of the tax rate from 88 cents to 85 cents. The motion to send the request for the rate to be set at 88 cents back to the Budget Committee passed 4-0.

The board also granted the request of a family who had been sending two of their children to Woodbury Grammar School to transfer to West Side School. That motion, by Powers, also passed 4-0.

Finally, Melinda Crook was appointed to replace Pamela Parker as a member if the Board's Collaborative Conferencing Team.