Relay for Life set May 1


The Cannon County Relay for Life is scheduled for Thursday, May 1, 2014 at the Moonlite Drive-In in Woodbury, TN from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The county wide rally to “sock it to cancer” plans to have local entertainment, concessions, kids games, inflatables and a casual beauty pageant for girls ages 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / & 10-12 entitled, “Miss Relay for Life Purple Pageant.” 100% of all net proceeds support Cannon County Relay for Life. At dusk, the luminaries ceremony will begin with plans to be followed by a family friendly movie on the big screen compliments of Moonlite Drive-In. Any family, Relay team or business that would like to donate a silent auction item for Relay for Life, drop off at Stones River Hospital or Cannon Chamber of Commerce.

 “This will be a very different Relay for Life than you have seen in the past,” said Relay spokesperson, Sue Conley- CEO of Stones River and DeKalb Community Hospital, “We are excited to partner with the local drive-in and thought that this would be a fun twist to what Cannon has done in the past. We are asking every business to get on board and come out and support your Relay. Call the hospital if you want to sponsor a booth, donate an auction item, sell refreshments or start a team in honor or memory of a loved one. It’s not too late to get involved. It takes all of us to make this a successful event, and we want to do our part to fight for the cure. Our board is visiting local businesses, so be thinking of how your business wants to participate and let us know. Cancer has affected all of us in multiple ways, and this is our chance to fight back.”

 “Our Relay for Life has lots of fun things in store for the kids this year including a new purple beauty pageant for 2014,” smiles Shan Burklow – Relay Board Member,  “The Miss Relay for Life Purple Pageant will be held during the Relay festivities on Thursday, May 1st where ages 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, & 10-12 age girls will be crowned ‘Miss Relay for Life’. The pageant is a casual pageant where girls can wear anything from jeans to sundresses. This pageant is all about having fun and fighting cancer. No formal gowns will be allowed to compete. Every girl is encouraged to wear the color purple in some way to represent Relay’s signature color. We wanted to give every girl a chance to have fun, compete and then go play games and eat some popcorn. If you know someone who has always wanted to compete in a pageant, but never has, this is the one to sign-up for. Registration is at the door from 6pm-6:30pm. The pageant begins at 7pm. This is a fun way to give back as we continue the fight against cancer.”

 The local schools are supporting Relay for Life by collecting socks full of change to prove that Cannon County can ‘sock it to cancer’. The school that collects the most socks will be awarded a prize and the winning class will receive a class party sponsored by Stones River Hospital. WEAR PURPLE DAY is May 1st for all Cannon County Schools grade K-8. The school and classroom that wears the most purple will win an award for their school and a pizza party compliments of Stones River Hospital. Major participating sponsors include: Stones River Hospital, Moonlite Drive-In, Woodbury Insurance, First National Bank, The Trading Post, The Cannon County Chamber of Commerce, Sycamore Baptist Church and the Cannon County School System.

 To purchase a Luminary in memory or honor of a loved one, or for more information on how your school, business or organization can participate in this year’s Relay for Life, contact Wendy at Stones River Hospital (615) 563-7207 or email: