Readyville FCE to meet

The Readyville FCE will have its Christmas luncheon at the home of Melanie O'Neal at 2001 Wilson Hill Road on Tuesday, December 18th at 11:00 a.m.

The following ladies are to bring a desert: Penny Meyers, Ann Johnson, Ann Piichula, Gladys Moore. Bea Nickens and Martha Clare Youree. We will exchange Secret Santa gifts, complete our Christmas food boxes. Cereal, grits and oatmeal are the final items to bring for the food boxes, along with any other items you may have forgotten over the year.

Please remember to also bring your yearbook and calendars along with the 3 end of the year Volunteer FCE forms: Volunteer Hours (pg 11 handbook), Reading List (pg 12), and the 100 % Membership form (pg 8).

Program's of the Cannon County Extension service are offered to all eligible people regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability, religion or veteran status. For further information, contact agent offices and UT Extension Agent, Carla Bush at 615.563.2554 in Woodbury.