Outdoor Club Paddles Stand-Up Boards To Fancher Falls

Outdoor Club Paddles Stand-Up Boards To Fancher Falls

Stand-up paddlers: T.J. Paul, Brock Francis, Justyn Brigham
Cannon County High School's Outdoor Club tried the latest craze in paddling as a way to visit Fancher Falls on Center Hill Lake. Stand-up paddling has become extremely popular in the last year. Stand-up boats are similar to large surf boards that allow the paddler to stand or sit and paddle. Fancher Falls is located on Center Hill Lake two miles from Cookeville Boat dock. For more information on the CCHS Outdoor Club trips contact marcuslarson@ccstn.com.

At Fancher Falls from left to right are: T.J. Paul, Clay Luker, Mathew Turney, Justyn Brigham, Brock Francis, Luke Turney.