News from the Mountain


Thanksgiving Eve and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. Whoa! I got them lines all wrong didn't I? Just having a little fun, but you know now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, we're all gung-ho for Christmas aren't we? Most wonderful time of the year to be celebrating our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's birth. Never let the true meaning of Christmas escape your thoughts with the giving and receiving of presents. Jesus should be the ultimate gift you are so thankful for. I guess we all have gotten caught up at times in all the hustle and bustle of and stress of the Christmas season wanting to give a gift that someone will love. You could give an everlasting gift of telling maybe a loved one that doesn't know Jesus just how wonderful He is and how your life forever was changed the day you ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.

I wonder at times what it's like in heaven with all its grandeur and streets of gold at say maybe Thanksgiving or other holidays. Things like that most likely I guess not known there. Could celebrations be going on all over heaven in the presence of Jesus giving Him honor and bowing down at His feet? That would be most likely the case. You know it's got to be out of this world (if I can use the pun) and really nothing our imagination could fathom for sure. No worry, no tears, no stress, and no wolf at the door wreaking havoc on our lives just heavenly bliss and harmony and being with Jesus our truest friend the One who has always loved us unconditionally with I might add no strings attached. We think the waters of a slow running mountain stream are tranquil here and take us away -- heaven will be at a different level of peacefulness we have never known in our lives here. I have no answers as to how magnificent heaven will be, I just know how great our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is! All our questions will be answered someday when we arrive in heaven. Can hardly wait to be back with my loved ones and I'm sure so many of you feel the same way that have ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and made Him Lord of your life.

Do keep praying for the following people: Denise Stanton, Edith Miller, Charlie Mai Daniel, and Carlon and Mai Nell Melton.

Bobby Taylor has gotten in on the large green marbles or the 'little green men' eggs controversy with Clyde. They both are now saying these were only marbles. I'm very glad that there will be no more additions to the alien family that are supposedly living not too far from me. Only a few people have seen them. I'm not one of them so I count myself very lucky. Some things this girl can live without and aliens are at the top of my list. Next would be an 'invisible cow' and then the '10 ft bunny rabbit'. Don't really know what might be lurking on the mountain especially at night and I'm not about to find out and rock the boat. Live and let live is my motto, and I do relish living longer here, if possible, minding my own business. Enough said on the matter.

Speaking of Bobby, saw him the other day and he said he had seen 32 turkeys that day. I got to thinking and my total of turkeys I had seen that day was a lot more than Bobby had seen, but then again, the ones I saw weren't in a field.

Should have hit Bobby up for tuna, crackers, and a Diet Dr. Pepper. With winter right upon us, got to make sure my supply of these items are adequate to get me through probably a bunch of cold winter weather.

Want to let you know of some December birthdays: Ms Beulah Arnold 3rd, Wanda Byford 7th, Joy Hullett 8th, Clyde Nokes, Harold Warren (my twin brother and yours truly 13th, Paul Stanley 22nd, and the most important one of all Jesus Christ 25th (our Lord and Savior and soon-coming King).

Left out an important anniversary for November, Walter and Fay Ferrell 30th (their 53rd).

The anniversaries for December: Ray and Joann Braswell 21st (their 32nd); Rex and Sepal Pedigo 22nd (their 49th); and Houston and Martha Parker 26th (their 42nd).

Rain and more rain falling on my tin roof this Monday night. Finally some relief has arrived with the rain being heavy at times with the hard downpours I'm hearing above the TV. I so welcome this rainfall as you probably do, too. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning some more rain is predicted. Hopefully, this will dampen some of those wildfires still burning th East Tennessee. I checked the rain gauge this morning and we had 1 inch and almost 3 tenths of rain. That will definitely help us out. Will be praying we get more tonight.

If you have any news for the column, just give ma a call at 615-563-4429.

Call unto me, and I will answer thee - Jeremiah 33:3