News from the Mountain


It's Monday night and an avalanche of rainfall has been falling here yesterday and today. We've had 2 to 3 inches or rain so far and under a flood watch through tonight. By Tuesday afternoon we will finally be getting a break and on Wednesday some good ole sunshine will hopefully return. So many people telling me they're tired of all this rain Me, too.

The definition of a feather duster should be "a lifesaver". Had one of them laying around on a shelf for a long time -- so long in fact I don't have any idea how old it was. Getting crunch time in cleaning our house for Thanksgiving and thought well this dust will just have to ride as the time was slipping away and I couldn't possibly get everything dusted. I spotted the feather duster and wondered what was I saving it for? Was I ever amazed how fast the little apparatus could send the dust just a gettin' it and this girl was grinning from ear to ear. Do any of you remember the commercial on TV years ago where the lady "supposedly" was working feverishly in the kitchen to get those "hard to make" but ever so delicious Rice Krispie squares/treats made? She even sprinkled four on her face for this tremendous task so her family would know all the work she had put into this. Like her, I got compliments on our house looking so good even though I know it wasn't that hard a thing to do because of that simple little 'feather duster'! Done the dusting in record time. I was picking up a green feather here and there from that feather duster so that probably lets you know just how hard I was working doesn't it? There are still enough feathers left in it to do some more dusting if I get in a pinch with time running out again. I don't know what we would do without these modern conveniences do you?

We've got some December birthdays to let you know about: Joy Hullett 8th, Clyde Nokes, Harold Warren (my twin brother) and yours truly 13th, Paul Stanley 22nd, and the most important one of all Jesus Christ 25th, our Lord and Savior and soon-coming King.

Traveling at a slower pace to church on Sunday with the road being wet from the rain that was falling. I could not believe how fast the people I would meet were driving as they would usually do on dry pavement. I hope no one had a mishap that day but we all need to get our foot off the gas pedal when rainy weather moved in. I had rather get to my destination maybe a little late as to not get there at all.

Humphreys county in the news this morning because of the sighting of a cougar there. This is not the first spotting of a cougar in our state. The TWRA says they won't bother you, just give them space and you will be okay. If this space thing is working for me with the "little green men" and that "invisible cow" then it would most likely work with any cougars I guess. Years ago, I saw an over grown kitty cat which after some digging out in my out dated encyclopedia was a mountain lion I perceived in disguise. All sorts of unsavory animals/aliens are around me I imagine that I didn't have a clue existed but according to my underground sources "they are out there". That really makes my day and should make yours, too.

Preparations are now "out of control" for the birthday bash for Clyde and I on Friday, December 11th. No one it seems can find anything where it is supposed to be or should have been. Aliens might have gotten a little bit disturbed, because their plans of blackmail failed and they won't be able to attend the party. We have a week to work this all out and with us on high alert now, we know we can pull this off. Lights are under lock and key and am hoping Bobby doesn't lose that key as no one thought to make a spare.

People to keep on your prayer list: Ruth Brown, Fay Pitts, Kathy Martin, Edith Miller, Tracy Neal, Denise Stanton, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, the family of Wanda Zeh, the family of Brenda Vanderpool, and Luther Lawrence.

Spoke with Charlie Mai Daniel this week and she is doing somewhat better. Do keep Charlie Mai (Jackie Daniel's wife) in your prayers. Loved talking to you Charlie Mai.

If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429. Have a great day!

I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people. Leviticus 26:12