News from the Mountain


Just when you're having one more terrific time getting outside mowing and trimming your yard with the weather in the seventies to near eighty degrees, the bottom falls out with the temperatures taking a nosedive back into the wintry humdrums. We know it won't last too long, but it sure does take the wind out of our sails, doesn't it?

This is redbud winter, according to those that are in the know about the different winters, we have to experience this time of the year. On Friday evening, it was snowing and sleeting here as I looked out our patio doors. That didn't last very long. I heard on TV that same evening Columbia also had snow and sleet falling, and they showed sleet piled up in Lewisburg next to a building. We will get through this as there is a light I see at the end of the tunnel now, and I'm viewing some permanent warmer weather for us in the not so distant future.

I want you to know of some April birthdays: Wilma Melton 2nd, Chloe Evelyn Bogle 6th, our daughter, Carolyn Graham 12th, Diane Evans 12th, Bernie Braswell 14th, our son-in-law, Dustin Johnson 17th, Kim Hall 18th, Edith Miller 21st, our niece, Brooklyn Pedigo 30th, and Debbie Melton 30th.

Not one little hummer have I spotted yet. Last year the first hummingbird arrived here at our house on April 10th. I guess it's a little bit early for their arrival, but I will, of course, be on the lookout for them. I'm sure I'll be putting up the feeders before you know it.

I was up at Short Mountain Market on Saturday and saw Blake, Ralph, Eric, and James Prater there. All were having a great time.
In a quandary as to what happened to the moles, or whatever was tearing up our yard. I did put some bubblegum down in the freshly disturbed ground sometime back as some people encouraged me to do. I don't know if that's what took care of the critters or not. A thought just entered my mind that maybe, just maybe, the little green men had read the column and decided to help me get rid of the moles. One or two people have told me the little aliens are not here to harm anyone but to only help us. If they are the reason the moles have left, then I probably would have to vote for a little green guy, if he wanted to run for a public office sometime in a way, way off future election. I believe that would really show my appreciation in a very large capacity by doing that.

There are some people we need to keep in prayer: Jeff Brown, the Shirley Neal family, Kathy Martin, Trena Curtis, Denise Stanton, Thurman Bogle, Edith Miller, Donna Lawson, Bernie Braswell, and Carlon and Mai Nell Melton.

Clyde is practicing on a new song or two for the Gunter Reunion that will be on September 6th at Aubrey's shop. He keeps telling me the little green men are very peaceful and wouldn't harm a fly. This coming from him as last summer he was running for his life from them (supposedly by his own account) as they spotted him at their hideout which was the devil's hole. He said he left them in the dust. That seems to be a hard sell, doesn't it? We will just give him the benefit of the doubt on what really transpired because he said that's all he remembers about that afternoon. The next day he said he smoked a peace pipe with their leader who really looks up to Clyde now because of how fast he can run. Wouldn't we all break a world's record running, if little aliens were in a hot pursuit to nab us? You and I already know the answer to that, don't we?

If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615) 563-4429. Have a great day!
With my whole heart have I sought Thee: O let me not wander from Thy commandments.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
Psalm 119: 10, 11