Mr. Turney the Actor

When one first encounters Roger Turney of Auburntown, he is instantly labeled kind, caring, honest and ready to help with any project. He then became known as Principal Roger Turney due to the many years he served the children and adults of Auburntown through the Elementary School - still kind, caring and leader of many school projects and teams.

Mr. Turney now serves as the Mayor of Auburntown, still working and serving the citizens of Auburntown Community.

However, this week Mr. Turney becomes actor, entertainer and teacher for the Auburntown Church of Christ during Vacation Bible School held June 11 thru 14. Rumor is, the VBS group neared record breaking attendance of 109 in attendance at the Sunday evening VBS.

Mr. Turney is admired for his constant love of community and the time he donates to better our future leaders and all of Cannon County is proud to call him 'friend'.