Cannon County High School conducted a Student Mock Election on Tuesday, October 26th, 2010. Students in Mr. William F. Curtis’s U.S. Government classes conducted the election.
U.S. Government First Period Students distributed the ballots to all classes, Second Period students collected the ballots and began tabulating the results, Seventh Period students continued the tabulation, and Eighth Period AP Students analyzed and published the results.
This Mock Election is in association with the National Student/Parent Mock Election (NSPME), a national voter-education program for students and their parents that give young Americans the chance to make their voices heard in the electoral process.
“In the classrooms of today are our future Presidents, members of Congress, governors and judges – but most importantly, these young people are the voters of tomorrow,” said NSPME President Gloria Kirshner. “Whether we are sending these children to the White House or to the polls, we hope to give them a deep understanding of ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ ”
600 Total Students voted in the Mock Election and their results are as follows:
CCHS Election Ballot: Results
10-26-2010 – Students & Faculty
278 R Bill Haslam
164 D Mike McWherter
10 I Bayron Binkley
_ 6 I Brandon Dodds
_ 26 I Samuel David Duck
6 I David Gatchell
_ 5 I June Griffin
__ 5 I Toni K. Hall
___7 I Mike Knois
__ 4 I Boyce T. McCall
___ 6 I Donald Ray McFolin
__13 I Linda Kay Perry
__ 4 I James Reesor
__10 I Thomas Smith II
___2 I Howard M. Switzer
__43 I Carl Twofeathers Whitaker
U.S. House of Representatives
District 6
281 R Diane Black
191 D Brett Carter
_31 I Jim Boyd
_24 I Brandon E. Gore
_26 I Tommy N. Hay
_18 I David Purcell
_28 I Stephen R. Sprague
Tennessee Senate
District 17
263 R Mae Beavers
329 D George McDonald
Tennessee House of Representatives
District 46
181 R Mark Pody
414 D Stratton Bone
Constitutional Amendment Proposal
The citizens of this state shall have the personal right to hunt and fish, subject to reasonable regulations and restrictions prescribed by law.
544 Yes
53 No
Cannon County Referendum
432 — To permit and legalize the manufacture of intoxicating liquors and other intoxicating drinks within the boundaries of Cannon County.
168 — Not to permit and legalize the manufacture of intoxicating liquors and other intoxicating drinks within the boundaries of Cannon County.
U.S. Government students at CCHS encourage all Cannon County citizens to please exercise the right to vote in this very important election on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010!