Letter: Arts Center dinner was amazing

To the Editor

The Arts Center of Cannon County held its annual Fundraiser/Reverse Raffle dinner event on Saturday, August 3rd. Dinner and dessert for 200 was enjoyed in the Museum. 

Amazingly flavored smoked pork, beef, sausage, and chicken was cooked by James Adkins and Greg Rogers and donated by the Woodbury Nursing Center.

 While I was in charge of getting the side dishes and desserts cooked, it is the farmers and gardeners I would like to thank. Without their labor, knowledge, and commitment to our tastebuds the meal would not have been the same. 

The following ingredients came from Cannon county: watercress, basil, mint, oregano, corn, green peppers, summer squash, winter squash, pickle and pickled cucumbers, heirloom blueberries, wild blueberries, tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes (of many colors and flavors), and goat cheese.

Much of this is available throughout the growing season from the Cannon Farmers' Market - which is sited at your Arts Center. Stop by on Saturday mornings to buy fresh, local produce grown by your neighbors. Construction on the new Market pavilion is proceeding quickly.

Thanks to the Blue Porch for loaning us their kitchen, supplying needed ingredients, and much prep work.

Thanks to the folks who supported and attended the Fundraiser dinner. It was a great and tasty success.


Neal Appelbaum

Woodbury, TN