Members of the Kittrell High School 1959 Graduating Class gathered recently for their 50th anniversary celebration. Pictured are, seated from left, Shirley Hudson, Mrs. Violet Ognio (teacher/sponsor), James E. Byrd (teacher), Mrs. Oma McNabb (teacher), Mrs. Nancy McNabb (teacher), and Faye Tucker; standing from left, Tommy Wood, of Readyville, David Clancy, J.T. Alsup, Steve Cates, Carl Jones, of Woodbury, Gary Henderson, Joe Mac Todd, and Jerry Cooper. Joining the group later in the evening was Delorice Gilley Tenpenny. Absent were Margaret Lassiter Bogle, Charles Cooper, Glenn Hollandsworth, and Sandra Hipp Garant. Deceased members of the class are Barbara Curray Haynes, Russell Gannon, and Ralph Jernigan.