Ivy Bluff News

Shirley Atnip reported that the singing at Ivy Bluff the first Sunday of May was a success. Good singers, lots of good food, and everyone enjoyed getting together again.

Jack and Jane Vickers from Huntsville, Alabama, attended the singing at Ivy Bluff. Sheree and Woody Floyd from Fairfield in Bedford Co. also attended.
Sandy Brown from New York is here visiting friends and family.

Billy and Carol Land and family, and Jimmy Jamison returned home after attending the funeral of a brother-in-law in Texas.
Sheree Deveris visited Bonnie Stacy on Saturday.

Jim and Judy Stacey from Murfreesboro spent a while with their aunt, Bonnie Stacy, on Monday.

It takes two to make up after a quarrel. Be the first to say I'm sorry.
A friend is one who loves you as you are.
Fire eloquence consists of saying all that should be said, not all that could be said.
Water and weed your garden, but remember to smell the flowers, too.