Guest Column: Learn a lesson from birds


Ain't life grand? Sometimes I wish I was a bird! We as humans could learn a lot from them. Have you ever seen a bird cry? I haven't. They are always singing.

Every morning I wake up to birds outside my window chirping and singing. Like this morning it was raining, but no one told those birds that it's gloomy and dark outside. They aren't upset that their nest has no roof and is now flooded. Birds don't worry about storing food in a pantry or freezer. They only living for the day and God supplies their every need, food and water no matter where they are flying to.
A puddle for a bath in a driveway somewhere is what they need along with the materials for a new home and the knowledge to build all over again and again.

Birds have the ability to fly above the clouds when there is a storm and not even get their wings wet. They fill our backyard with beautiful music. Birds don't know the cost of living is up, price of oil is down, traffic is getting worse and there's trouble in the Middle East.
They still keep singing as they have not a care in the world, like live is so good and every little thing will be OK. Don't you wonder how they keep singing in the midst of all this turmoil that's going on in the world? How are they able to overcome all obstacles in their daily path?
We have to learn to stop complaining about these we have prayed for God to give us. Like praying for a bigger home and then complaining of having more to clean, higher power bills, taxes going up and more yard to maintain. Or what about asking for a child and complaining when the baby keeps you up all night? Some men pray for a wife and then have to work two jobs to afford her.

You know what? We create our own unhappiness! We can have joy despite what's going on around us. Look for the good in everything. You will always rise higher.

We need to develop a habit of looking at life positively from the moment we wake up. Take control of your thoughts. Instead of letting yourself talk to you, talk to yourself. Say this will be a day to sing about. My well will be filled with joy and peace.

When we get knocked down and friends can't be found, get back up and keep on going. If a dream doesn't come true ... dream again.
Don't dwell on things you have lost. Just be thankful what what you have. Don't just endure the day. God is a way maker.

Make a melody in your heart. Just like the birds who sing even when the storm is raging. They fly above the clouds. We can rise above our troubles and heartaches. If God will take care of a sparrow, don't you know he will take care of you.