Chamber to launch remodeled website

The Cannon County Chamber of Commerce is launching an updated version of its website.

The chamber's site can be located at

Carolyn Motley, chamber services coordinator, also advised board members attending a meeting on Monday the county will no longer participate in the site with the chamber.

Motley said she has been advised by County Executive Brent Bush the county will be doing a separate website.

The Town of Woodbury is also in the process of establishing an online presence. The first phase will be an online payment system so that customers can pay their water bill electronically. The second phase will following shortly thereafter with information about the town, town services, points of interest and contact information for officials and department heads.

The chamber's website will eventually provide links to the sites of the town and county.

Motley also announced during the meeting Keith Biscuit Barn, owned by Keith Bain, has joined the chamber.

The chamber has also applied for and been approved for a Tourism Marketing Grant from the state in the amount of $6,000. It is a 50/50 matching grant, Motley said.

"We were approved, however, we have to list the events we will be marketing which is the Color of Fall Car Show and the Cannon County Country Christmas. We will have to do marketing such as billboards, Facebook, flags etc. The dates for Cannon County Country Christmas are Nov. 16-17," she said.

Other upcoming events Motley said are SBA/USDA Day in Cannon County on Thursday, October 25 at Adams Memorial Library from IO to 12 p.m.