By Savannah: Are you a real hugger?


Are YOU a REAL HUGGER? Or are you the one who holds someone at arms length..nods..and calls it good? WHAT? That's sad. You are missing out. Hugging like that reminds me of the stinky pinchy weird handshake when someone just pinches your fingers and doesn't even go near the palm for that full-fledged healthy howdy-do. What IS that? Not a REAL hug Nor a REAL handshake ...!

Unless someone has the flu, a contagious rash or you see a Creepy Uncle hug heading your way...a big warm sincere HUG is just fine. big sincere Glad-To-See-Ya' Hug !

My family were never much at hugging. They were more stoic, critical and stand-offish. Not much emotion was shown. What a shame.

Not until I was out on my own...married and with children...did I discover the TRUE HUG. I began to meet some very sincere and loving folks that could really deliver those bear hugs. They were meaningful hugs...hugs that got me through a lot of rough,
guessed it...I became a REAL HUGGER and stayed that way forever on.

Hugging is an automatic cure-all...a act of sincerity, concern and friendship. HUGS can also be used as an expression of thank-you.

I love the type of HUGS where you can physically feel the sadness leaving your body! My Hubby J.D. gives me great hugs. A tight hug using both arms that makes me feel safe and secure. It's good to feel warm and wanted. An unconditional Love HUG. If you husbands and wives out there do not take time to shell out at least one Big Hug a day to each other...You Better Start !!

EVERYONE deserves that special kind of HUG. Take time to HUG your children....Hug your Pets!! (Unless you own a porcupine and then ya' gotta watch it !!)

Aunt Martha tries to hug Uncle Festus more often than she has. It's just that he does such dopey the other day, she told me: Your Uncle was in the kitchen and had just closed the refrigerator door. I said: Festus, don't tell me you haven't been drinking out of the milk carton...because yesterday I found your teeth in there!! She swears that he does need a hug...but around the neck with a rope !! (Martha!!!)

My little niece, Cindy, wanted to hug a very colorful spider the other day. I told her that it was NOT a very good we all know, seeing a spider isn't the problem. It becomes a problem when it disappears !

I'm thinking that a snowman may have trouble with a WARM hug.

Uncle Phil told me: I can't decide if I need a hug or an extra large coffee with 6 shots of vodka and two nights of uninterrupted sleep.

Baboons even HUG....Did you know that a large group of baboons is called a CONGRESS? That explains a lot now, doesn't it...! DOESN'T IT !!!

Have you ever pushed the button an a toy that says HUG ME in a store full of people... and it doesn't stop no matter what you try to you walk away like nothing happened? (I didn't push a Hug Me button, but I DID push a squawking chicken button that never stopped and oh boy, was that ever embarrassing...! I was checking out at Rite Aid and it was next to me on the counter. Leave it to me to push the button on a
squawking toy that danced, jumped up and down and sang a song for five longggg minutes. I couldn't escape. I was at the check-out counter and naturally loads of people where behind me waiting to pay. So, I bought the chicken....).

A HUG is the shortest distance between friends.

At a recent wedding reception someone yelled: Would all the married men please stand next to the person who has made your life worth living and you will HUG forever. The BARTENDER was almost crushed to death !!

Hey...My MEMORY is so bad...How bad is it?...How bad is what ?.....and Who's on First....!!

Good News...the word Hug originated from the Scandinavian old Norse word HUGGA which means TO COMFORT. Since I am Scandinavian then I am all the more a good HUGGER.

There is even a National Hugging Day....January 21st.

There's a 51-year-old Ohio man who gave out 7,777 hugs in 24 hours on Valentines Day. (All the better..I am also from Ohio.) He beat the record of an Irishman who hugged 5000 people on St. Patty's Day.

Don't get me wrong...Hugging is very special...but there ARE times when there ARE certain hugs you wish to avoid or weren't expecting.
As mentioned before: the Creepy Uncle Hug. Then there is the Great auntie's brief hug and cheek pinching. There's the HUG where you are trapped between two people and can't escape....the I Don't Know What To Do Hug...the I've Never Been Hugged Before...the You're Taking Too Long Hug...The WOW You Smell Good Hug... There are also the Hollywood Award Hugs...the Team Victory Hugs...the Thank-You for My Roses Hug... the You Are Home Safely From the War Hug...the Farewell Hug to a Loved One on their Death Bed.

Hugging the American Flag is most definitely allowed !!

I have learned that there is more power in a good strong HUG than in a thousand meaningful words !! A Hug is like a good movie...delicious cookies baking in the oven...hitting a home run...making that winning touch down. Go ahead HUG that TREE !! It's a beautiful spring day! After two large bottles of Burgundy, Aunt Martha has been sighted hugging that large Oak tree in her front yard !! It took Festus and two neighbors to get her unhitched last Sunday....

I guess if King Kong can keep hugging the Empire State Building...Martha can hug that tree ALL she wants !!

Well Folks, remember that NO matter how rough times get....not enough promotion..bad doctor report...your child is on drugs...just got divorced...your convenient store just ran out of Red Bull....You still have that special HUG waiting for you. HEY...Life is Tough! Things are bound to get you down....Perk up...don't ever quit !! People DO Love YOU. No matter what...You ALL deserve a HUG !!