Board Of Education Workshop Broadcast On Facebook Live

The Cannon County Board of Education is looking at anything and everything to reduce the schools budget by $1.1 million dollars to bring a balanced budget for the fiscal 2020-2021.
Ideas at various meetings that have been tossed around include cutting at least 26 teaching positions at the various schools, cutting librarian, assistant principal positions and doing away with the art programs at the grammar school levels.
Tonight the focus on the Cannon County Board Workshop will be to discuss three main options.
The official decision to decide on what to do won't be made until Thursday's regular meeting of the Cannon County Board of Education. Tonight discussion will be held though at the Board Workshop which begins at 6:30 and takes place at the Woodbury Grammar School cafeteria.
We will have more details as to what the three options the school board has narrowed down as soon as they become available,
Cannon Courier News and Events Facebook page will broadcast the workshop live through Facebook Live starting at 6:25 tonight We will also broadcast the Board meeting Thursday night.