Auburntown News


Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! Whoever sang this song or turned their pj's inside out or did the "snow dance" OR did all 3, sure did do a good job. It was beautiful and fun to play in for those young and those who thought they were young. Lots of snowmen and sledding took place.It was also dangerous for those who had to drive in it. I know the students, faculty and we bus drivers are excited to be back in school!!! If you believe this, I have some ocean front property I would like to sell you!

It's great news to know that Robert Fletcher is home recuperating from a recent fall which resulted in some cuts to his head and a short hospital stay.

Glory B! Marvin Davenport is sporting a new John Deere tractor - at least it's new to him. Now he doesn't need a bucket tied under his tractor to catch the oil so he can put it back in!! When you see him, check and see if Ruth is riding with him.

Auburn School is hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. If interested in being a donor, contact Cindy Larson at 464-4342 or as soon as possible for an appointment. The Red Cross people are coming soon and she needs as many appointments are possible. We are hoping for a big turnout for this first time event. Each donation could save up to three lives!

Well the snow days cut the news short so here is the birthday list for this week: Ronnie Todd starts it off when he celebrates the 3rd. The 6th Jaylene Bobo Johnson hits the 35 mark on the 6th. Melissa Gilley and Pedro Lara have theirs the 7th. It's a big day the 8th for Emily O'Neal Crook, Austin Mears, Amy Ayers and Rhonda Goff. Rhonda's husband, Gregg, ends our list on the 9th. Happy birthday to you all.

There are two anniversaries and they are both on the same day just different years. Stanley and Carlene McCullough celebrate their 62nd year of marriage and J.C and Joan Hughes celebrate their 44th on the 5th day of February. Happy anniversary to both couples.

If you have news for this column, please e-mail me at, or call 464-4310 and leave a message if no answer.