Auburntown Has $43,047.18 In The Bank

The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM for their regular monthly meeting.  Mayor Turney and all councilpersons were present except Frank Patrick and Beth Hancock.

The City Recorder presented the minutes for the month of November for approval.  The minutes were approved as presented.

The financial report for November was distributed for information and approval. The balance of funds on deposit as of 11-30-11 was $43,047.18.  After a brief review the report was approved without correction.

Red Apple Day celebration for 2012 was discussed at length.  It was reported that additional electrical connections would be available at each light pole in the park next year.  This will allow more locations to be made available for vendors and others as the need may arise.

Financial consideration for Red Apple Day is always a concern of the City.  As such, Councilperson, Tina Fletcher, is already making plans and arrangements to draw more vendors and pay-as-you-go projects for next year.  Red Apple Day celebration is a great community project and the City is very desirous that it continues to be so.  

The Mayor asked if there were any questions or concerns with the Annual Financial Report hand out at last month’s meeting.  As there were none the Audit will be filed away without further action.
The Council adjourned by the Mayor and councilpersons wishing each other and their respective families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:25 PM

Winfred Gaither, City Recorder