Arts Commission awards two local grants

NASHVILLE - State Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) and Representative Clark Boyd (R-Lebanon) announced today that two grants have been awarded to Cannon County organizations by the Tennessee Arts Commission. The Arts Center of Cannon County will receive $21,430, while White Oak Tennessee will receive $5,220. The grants were awarded after being reviewed by citizen advisory panels made up of Tennesseans with expertise in appropriate disciplines and a final review by the full commission.

"The arts do have a positive impact on our community and the effects certainly trickle down: the creative thinking skills of students are improved, our local culture is communicated through various mediums, and the community's beauty is enhanced for our residents and visitors," said Sen. Pody.

"These investments made by the Tennessee Arts Commission in support of our local arts programs and facilities are great news for our community," said Representative Boyd. "The funds will enhance the quality of life for the residents who live in our region; they will also create new and exciting opportunities that will benefit our future leaders and help them grow to value the arts."

"Tennessee is fortunate to have elected leaders who understand the positive impact the arts and culture have on Tennesseans and their communities," said Anne B. Pope, Executive Director of the Tennessee Arts Commission. "The arts are a vital tool for attraction and retention of business, and help build stronger communities by enhancing the distinctive character of Tennessee places."

According to Pope, the Commission will award approximately 1000 grants during the 2019 fiscal year, totaling more than $5.5 million dollars. Grant categories include Arts Access, Arts Education, Arts Project Support, Partnership Support, Individual Artist Fellowships, Major Cultural Institutions, Cultural Education Partnership and Rural Arts Partnership.