American Legion to finalize plans


The Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279 in Woodbury, Tennessee,
will meet as the Senior Citizens Center on Thursday, October 20,
2016, at 5:30PM for dinner, and at 6:30PM for the regular meeting.

We will be finalizing plans for the Veterans Day Program at Cannon
County High School on Friday November 11th and our Annual Veterans
Day Parade on Saturday the 12th.

This will be our 24th year working with the Cannon County High School on honoring our veterans.
This year like all of the other years, it is a little bigger and a
little better. We have a great country and a free country and we
owe a great deal of thanks and appreciation to our military and our
veterans; especially to our 61 men who gave their lives for this
great nation.

God bless the United States of America and God Bless
our military forces, our First Responders, and our Veterans.