The Hilton Stone Post #279 of the American Legion meets monthly at the Senior Center of Cannon County located on Lehman Street in Woodbury. This Post has just been activated this year by the National Headquarters of the American Legion.
The Legion was formed in 1919 shortly before the end of WWI. The Legion was meant to incorporate all the Services that had fought during Wartime Eras. Now the organization includes the wars of WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Granada, Panama and of course now the Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom. The government declares that the time between the Gulf War and now has been one continuous effort against Terrorism and it is now included in the wartime table for the American Legion.
The young returning troops from these foreign wars are encouraged to join in the camaraderie of belonging to this unique organization. The three million plus members of this wartime organization is the largest of its kind and needs the new young leadership that has always been sought after in the Legion.
March 18th the Legion met at the senior center and after a light meal the meeting was brought to order by acting Post Commander Britt Knox. The Pledge to the American Flag, plus an inspiring prayer was said to start the meeting. Knox told the gathered members that all the officers that were appointed on the second meeting were temporary until the total membership can vote for them which could be at the next meeting which is on Thursday April 15th at 6:30 pm at the Center.
Descriptions of the jobs of the different positions were discussed and their importance to the Post. A second Vice Commander was named that night subsequent to the vote of the membership.
All veterans and active personnel are invited to come to the meetings or if they want information they can contact Bob Stoetzel @ 615-962-5735. The following dates will be the meetings for this year 2010: April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 12, September 16, October 14, November 18 and a tentative date of December 16.