County Electric Demonstration Contest - This past January saw some of the most interesting, and innovative demonstrations in the history of the electric demonstration contest. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor (MTEMC), we are pleased to announce the date of the 2012 Cannon County 4-H county electric demonstration contest.
This year's county electric demonstration contest will be held Tuesday, March 13th at Woodbury Grammar School with registration beginning at 6 and the contest beginning at 6:30 p.m. everyone who participated in the local (or classroom) contest is invited to come and participate, as all participants will be recognized with awards.
As always, the 1st place winning 6th and 7th grade winner will receive a trip to 4-H electric camp which will be held this June at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
March is Bread baking Month - The month of March is always one of the most popular with our 4-H members. Not only do we discuss and promote both Junior and Junior High 4-H camp, our contest for the month is the bread baking contest. Listed below are the guidelines for the contest:
4th grade- Chocolate Chip Cookies
5th grade- Brownies
6th grade- Cornbread
7th grade- Banana Nut Bread
8th grade Sweet Muffins
Please remember that all entries must be homemade and there needs to be at least 3 of the items (i.e. cookies, muffins, etc.). For more tips and suggestions, please refer to your 4-H yearbook.
Horse Enrollment Forms - The horse program is another popular animal project for our 4-Hers. Our 4-H Horse Shows are held in June each year and contain a wide variety of classes, etc. that will accommodate each horse and rider.
To participate in the Tennessee 4-H Horse Shows, all persons must complete a Tennessee 4-H Horse Enrollment Form. This form must be completed and returned to the 4-H office by March 1st. The forms can be picked up at the 4-H office or can be found at the following website:
4-H Camping Opportunities- Although we are still in the midst of dreary, rain-filled days, thoughts of sunshine and summer opportunities will begin to consume our thoughts. I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know about the dates and costs of this years' junior and junior high camp:
Junior High 4-H Camp (7th and 8th grade) - May 29th through June 1st
Junior 4-H Camp (4th through 6th grade) - June 18th through 22nd
Both of these camps will be held at the Clyde York 4-H Center and the cost for both camps will $240.00 which will cover all meals, activities, lodging, special programming, and transportation. For more information regarding 4-H camp, or to check out the 4-H camping facilities please go to the camp's website at: