14 Cases Of COVID-19 At Woodbury Health and Rehab Are Deemed False Positive

The question will now be raised just how many COVID-19 tests results are false positive?
After today's COVID-19 statistics are released, Cannon County's total of 34 COVID-19 cases will be reduced to 20 after an announcement came late Thursday afternoon confirming the 14 total cases at the Woodbury Health and Rehab were false positive tests.
According to a letter from the State of Tennessee Department of Health's legal counsel to Woodbury Health and Rehab, the 14 tests that were positive included 11 staff members and 3 residents who were tested on May 27th. The inital testing was conducted by the state lab in Nashville.
The samples were retested weeks later and was confirmed all tests were negative meaning the original tests were false positives. Lab Services has implemented preventative measures to avoid a repeat of false positive results and ongoing quality assurance checks were implemented.
Woodbury Health and Rehab now goes back to having zero cases of COVID-19.
Legal Counsel acknowledged the statistics will be updated from the State Department's Website effective later today June 12.