Today's Chat: Smoke and mirrors


Do you ever feel that you are being taken advantage of ? That things are not always the truth ? That facts are twisted and scams dwell everywhere ...
There ARE people and companies who need to LIE and CHEAT to achieve their own profits. Watch out for the distorted and blurred facts in the ads
for products that are sworn to totally change your appearance and your life. SMOKE 'N MIRRORS, Folks !!! SMOKE 'N MIRRORS....

They are tacky want to be magicians just blowing smoke. Unfortunately, even our relationships can be deceptive at times...a false smoke screen...who tell you: I'll stay with you all the way to the end of your money!! Who pretend to like your relatives..but yet tell you: Yes, you brought something into my life I never had before...YOUR MOTHER !!

Uncle Festus' s stockbroker invested Festus's money incorrectly and tried to patch it up by merely saying: Look at the bright side, it's better to have had money and lost, than to have never invested at all. Here we go again with unreliable and false representation. Beware.

I will say that Aunt Clara was her own banker and stockbroker. On her death bed, Cousin Ellen and other greedy relatives stood around Clara as she
announced that she would tell them where she hid her million dollars. She said: I left my million dollars under the.....ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Ooops...she passed away before she could finish. That's what GREEDY and DECEPTIVE relatives deserve...Aunt Clara will always be the Victor...and they are the victims of their own SCAM.

Ever see the huge delicious hamburger on t.v. and when you went to order it...the size was only half of what was advertised. SMOKE'N MIRRORS.

And there is Wheaties...breakfast of champions....tasted it lately?...It's become Cheaties...breakfast of chumps.
Aunt Martha watches all the fashion ads and has been burned so many times by what she sees versus what she receives in the mail. Her biggest
rip-off has been ordering bras. She gave up and decided the perfect bra for her was a sweatshirt ! She has found that going bra- less seems to pull the wrinkles out of her face. Festus says that her sagging jowls resembles a pair of flip flops.

All the SMOKE'N MIRRORS of the illusionary facts regarding the miracles of expensive make-up, hydrating face cremes, hair extensions, thickening hair shampoos and conditioners, body lotions and on and on and on. Then there are the amazing diet programs...exercise equipment...pills...what a rip-off.

Keep watching...I am waiting for someone to start selling Mirrors that Smoke. (Mirror,Mirror...on the wall...). Good Grief !! All the mirrors in my
house don't lie...I'm just happy they don't laugh.

Cousin Patsy has given up on all these fake products and told me that being cremated is her last chance for a Smoking Hot Body ! Another day,
another dither....
Speaking of smoking...
Uncle Marvin recently rolled up a nicotine patch and tried to smoke it....(sigh...)

It's important to properly interpret what your doctors tell you. If you have a question...ask it. YOU are not like everyone else...each body is different.. each illness needs to be treated as an individual sickness...not like: Oh, you have what Joe Shmo is suffering, take this prescription and see you next month. Smoke 'n Mirrors .....

Last week, Cousin Clarence got an arrow through his head. The Doctor said: Off hand, I'd say you are suffering from an arrow through your head but just to play it safe, I'm ordering a bunch of tests. ( Yep...let's just pad that insurance bill just a little bit more !! ) The pharmacy will be sure
to make out on this one as well...SMOKE anyone?

Speaking of insurance companies....ever notice your auto rates go up even tho you have never had an accident? And the coverage goes up as your
get older. And LIFE insurance is only good until you are in your 80's. Hello....I don't know about you, But I presently know quite a few folks who
are in their 80's and 90's that are very spry and independent with all their wits about them. So, you're telling me that after I pay your insurance
rates for all these years ...I will be punished and loose my coverage just because I am healthy and lived longer than the average person?

And really watch out for the advertised insurance that turns everything WHITE in your house !
Auto repair estimates go overboard...House repairs that you pay for first and they never come back to do the work...don't even open your door to someone you don't know...more than likely it is a scam or trouble more serious than that.

Until Donald Trump became trust in the political situation of our nation was pretty null and void. Until our new president, our
governing body was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. (And we ALL know what that looks like !) All those smoke 'n mirror
promises and weak tactics ruined our country. Trump says that tough times never last ... but tough people do. Do I hear an AMEN...!