News from the Mountain


Do hope you had a wonderful weekend spending time with the Lord, family, and friends and now ready to get back to the work grind of another week with a smile. I got to thinking you really never know how you just might make another person's day and make them feel better with just a "smile" or to say "hi". If given this opportunity when you meet someone, do not pass it up.

Brenda Phillips a good friend of mine from our days of working together in the office at Colonial Corp. called me on Saturday. She is doing okay and I sure was glad to hear from her.

Betty (Kirby) Elliott from Henderson, Kentucky, gave me a call on Wednesday. She reads the column and likes it and she told me that she is researching the "Gunter" family. Betty, I appreciated your call very much.

Some new neighbors have now got moved into the home behind our house. They are Barry and Shannon Richardson and family and we want to welcome them to our community. No better place to live than in the Short Mountain community. I love the down-to-earth people that make it such a one-of-a-kind place to live and bring up a family.
Please keep in prayer Ronald Lawson, Jeff Brown, Chloe Evelyn Bogle, Edith Miller, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, and Diane Evans.

Some April birthdays to tell you about: Wilma Melton 2nd, Chloe Evelyn Bogle 6th, our daughter Carolyn Graham 12th, Diane Evans 12th, Bernie Braswell 14th, our son-in-law Dusty Johnson 17th, Kim Hall 18th, Edith Miller 21st, our niece Brooklyn Pedigo 30th, and Debbie Melton 30th.

At Short Mountain Market yesterday, a slew of people coming in while I was there. Saw Martha Parker and got to talk with her a while. Ralph Gunter, Bill Nokes, Kelly Curtis, and Bill Syester and a friend of his came in. I hadn't seen Bill for quite a while. Aubrey thought a lot of Bill. We got to talk for a spell and catch up on a few things. As I keep saying, friendships mean a lot to everyone. Other people came in, also. I know their faces but not their names. A simple "hi" to suffice took care of that. Everyone was jawing a lot and having a good time. That sure makes living this life from day to day worthwhile. Enjoy what the Lord has given you in abundance and never take it for granted.
I told you in the last column about the whiteout conditions on Tuesday of last week, and was wondering if you saw on Channel 2 the guy that was on his lawn mower out in that snowy weather mowing his yard in Winchester I believe or the guy that was playing golf in that snow. Now you might catch me being caught out on my lawnmower in a sudden down burst of rain, but I assure you I would not be staying out in it. This girl would be getting to cover on our patio as soon as possible. I'm dedicated to working outside, but I know when to call it to a halt. Would not want to melt you know. Aubrey always told me no chance of that happening as salt lumps up!

Speaking of being on a lawnmower, years ago while mowing our yard, I came around by our privacy hedge and there was this snake that made it under that hedge and out of sight and I thought that was that with the snake. Well, when I made my next round mowing by the hedge, there was this snake again right in my path with his head up and I thought surely he's not thinking he can stop my mighty John Deere. Of course, you know what happened to that snake. End of story.

Short Mountain Church of God had Pastor Appreciation Day on Sunday, March 30th for Pastor Charles and Denise Stanton. The Stantons received many gifts and good words from church members in attendance for all their kindness and dedication to everyone these past four years. A lovely meal was served at noon. Sunday night service included singing by Heather Hart. Charlie and Denise, love you both, Carol.

If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615) 563-4429. Have a great day.
Trust in the Lord and you can't go wrong.