Birthplace: Smithville, Tennessee
Years with U.S. Postal Service: 16
Length of service as postmaster in this office: 4
Number of employees inside the office: 3
Number of postal carriers: 10
Zip code: 37190
Year post office opened: 1814
Pieces of mail handled each month: 500,000
Favorite stamp: Harry Potter
Favorite hobby: Softball
Favorite singer: Aerosmith, Mumford & Sons, and Lady Gaga
Favorite TV show: "Survivor"
Hobbies: Softball, camping, hiking and traveling

Birthplace: Woodbury, Tennessee
Years with U.S. Postal Service: 1
Length of service as postal clerk in this office: 1
Number of employees inside the office: 1
Number of postal carriers: 1
Zip code: 37016
Year post office opened: 1850
Pieces of mail handled each month: Approximately 780
Favorite stamp: Quilled Heart ("It reminds me of my great-grandmother's quilting.")
Favorite singer: The Eagles
Favorite TV show: None. "I don't really watch that much TV."
Hobbies: Creator /photographer /researcher of Cannon County Cemeteries Project website and Facebook page; creator /photographer of Cannon County Photos & Beyond website & Cannon County Photos Facebook page, hiking and crafting

Birthplace: Lansing, Michigan
Years with U.S. Postal Service: 11
Length of service as clerk in this office: 1½
Number of employees inside the office: 1
Number of postal carriers: 4
Zip code: 37149
Year post office opened: 1811
Pieces of mail handled each month: Approximately 200, 000
Favorite stamp: National Park
Favorite hobby: Reading
Favorite singer: Maroon 5
Favorite TV show: Shows on the Food Network
Hobbies: "I'm remodeling my house, so I have really enjoyed going to consignment stores."

Birthplace: Winchester, Tennessee
Years with U.S. Postal Service: 1
Length of service as postal clerk in this office: 1
Number of employees inside the office: 3
Number of postal carriers: 2
Zip code: 37026
Year post office opened: 1837
Pieces of mail handled each month: 150,000
Favorite stamp: Flower
Favorite singer: Eric Church
Favorite TV show: "I don't have one!"
Hobbies: Cooking, camping, hiking, anything outdoors!