May Day 2010 - A Cry To God For A Nation In Distress

May Day 2010 - A Cry to God for a Nation in Distress

When: May 1st 2010 - Starting at Sunrise (6:10 A.M. EDT) and finishing at 2:00 P.M.

Where: The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

Join with Christian leaders of all denominations who love God to humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways—individually and as a nation. Leaders representing many Traditional Pro-Family Values including Dr. James Dobson, Tim Wildmon (American Family Association), David Barton (WallBuilders), Dr. Jerome Corsi (Author & Journalist), Dr. Jim Garlow (Renewing American Leadership), Wendy Wright (Concerned Women for America) and many others will share visions of where America could be.... if sin is repented and God is honored!

Jesus will be front and center at May Day. Prayers will be offered in Jesus' Name!

This event is not to impress the media or those in Washington, but to reach the heart of God. Publicly repenting and crying out to God for His mercy instead of the judgment our many sins deserve.

The partial List of spokespersons for Mayday 2010:

Janet (Folger) Porter: 920.262.0877 or 920.285.6043

Pastor Paul Blair, May Day Pastor Coordinator: 405-796-PRAY (7729) or 405-348-1745

William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition: 202-742-8990

Deborah Fritch, May Day Prayer Coordinator: 602-670-2667

Curtis Edwards, Bus & Air Coordinator: 800-369-4986

For those wishing to see or simulcast May Day 2010, it will be carried on GOD TV (Channel 365 on DIRECTV, Channel 138 on Sky Angel, and several local cable outlets) and over the internet by the American Family Association

There are buses and car-pool option information at for more information

Please support this event with your prayers and if God lays it upon your heart, financial gifts to help offset the costs of this event !