Mar. 13: Cannon County Commission To Meet

Cannon County Commission Agenda

March 13, 2012 Open Meeting @ 6 p.m.

1. Prayer and Pledge. Prayer will be given. Pledge of Allegiance will be led.

2. Roll call - Bobby Smith.

3. Summary of last meeting’s minutes. Chair.

4. Approval of last meeting’s minutes.

5. Committee Reports - Chair will comment on loss of monies belonging to the county.

6. Austin Jennings would like to address the commission on the status of the building of the library addition.

7. Hear from Thea Prince on a Request for Proposal concerning Solid Waste.

8. Connie Rigsby of the Cannon County Senior Citizens Center.

9. Chairman seeks permission to pursue bond rating with Doug Bodary, a member of CTAS,

10. Hear a report from the Law Enforcement Committee on the proposed use of the old Courier building to be used as a courthouse annex for Register if Deeds, Tax Assessor, Trustee's office and perhaps the County Court Clerk's office.

11. Vote on taking action if Commission agrees with the Law Enforcement Committee's recommendation to create a Courthouse Annex of the present Courier location. Negotiations will be made with the Management Company for Regions Bank.

12. A Resolution to form a committee to draft a Private Act to centralize Financial Management in Cannon County, Tennessee.

13. Take appropriate steps on naming a new County Medical Examiner due to the resignation of Dr. Leon Reuhland.

14. Other business.

15. Adjourn.