Letter: Get involved in litter fight

To the Editor:
Thank you for the article in last week's Courier about the litter problem. I think the problem needs to be tackled from three angles:

First, we need to spread the message that littering is not cool. It's immature. It's unkind. It makes people sad or angry. It's dangerous to wildlife. The campaign needs to be taught in our schools, churches, businesses, and families. Some people may litter out of malice, but I suspect most litterers are merely thoughtless. If they only considered how un-neighborly it is to litter, I think most people would choose to dispose of their trash properly.

Second, we need to enforce the law. Yes, littering is against the law. It is a crime. The police and sheriff departments should crack down on it. I suggest that hidden cameras be placed at trouble spots to catch criminals in the act. Citations should be issued. Fines should be collected to pay for the cameras.

Third, we need more cleanup. The county's budget is inadequate for the task. Citizens may want to keep their own streets clean. At least four people on my road pick up litter. When we take walks, or ride bikes, we carry plastic grocery bags and pick up every last cigarette butt and gum wrapper. I recommend the practice, and encourage my fellow citizens to get involved in keeping our county beautiful.

I applaud Cannon County's convenience center, litter truck, outdoor trash cans, and cigarette butt receptacles. But the county can't do it all alone. Neither can the police or sheriff departments. We all need to step up. Spread the word that it's not cool to litter. Then go for a walk and pick up trash along the way.

Kyle Williams