Ivy Bluff News


Shirley Atnip, Dot Tucker, and Jean Davenport attended a singing at the Sanders Fork Baptist Church last Sunday.

Elaine Clemmons and family: husband, children, and her dad, Les Williams Sr. from Lebanon visited her sister, Racheal Williams and children, Mother Myla, Kenny, and Bonnie Stacy on Saturday.

Jim and Judy Stacey from Murfreesboro, Don and Charlotte Frazine from Tullahoma, Brenda and Danny Jaco from Manchester, Jacob Thompson from Mud Creek, and Bonnie Stacy had lunch at the Cracker Barrel in Manchester on Saturday.

Get well wishes to all the sick in the community.
A good neighbor is as rare as found treasure.
Three grand essentials for happiness: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
He who goes out of his house in search of happiness runs after a shadow.
Be accepting, when you remember how hard it is to change yourself, then you begin to understand what little chance you have of changing others.