Herb Alsup to retire

Herb Alsup to retire | Herb Alsup, retires, Church of Christ

Herb Alsup

Herb Alsup will conclude 47 years of full-time ministry Dec. 31.

After preaching for congregations in Columbia, Tenn., churches in Graceville, Winter Garden and Panama City, Fla., he will conclude a 34-year ministry with the Woodbury Church of Christ.

Alsup grew up in Murfreesboro and attended Crichlow, Hobgood, and Central High School there. He is a graduate of Lipscomb University, earning a B.A. and M.A.

The Woodbury Church of Christ has grown from an attendance of 350 in 1979 to 758 with a membership of about 900. The congregation is believed to be the largest congregation of churches of Christ in a small town.

During his time in Woodbury, about 900 souls have been saved, and over a thousand have made rededications to the Lord. He has conducted over 1,100 funerals in Cannon County, 350 weddings, and 150 gospel meetings throughout the world.

Alsup has served the community many other capacities as well. He has been associated with Short Mountain Bible Camp, seeing it grow from 350 in camp sessions through the summer to over 1600 per summer. He has served on  a number of boards for various home health agencies, and presently serves as President of the Board for Stones River Hospital in Woodbury. Through that board he has helped bring Dr. Keith Young, Dr. Jeff Todd, and Dr. Michael Thomas to Cannon County.

Sunday, November 4, the church will have their annual Family and Friends Day with Brother Alsup the “guest” speaker, but will also be his “retirement Sunday.”

A goal of 1,500 has been set for the occasion, and Alsup invites his friends throughout the area to share the day with him. Worship Services will be at 9:30 and 2 p.m. with Bible Study at 10:45 a.m. and a fellowship meal at noon. Dr. Joe Wiley, President of Freed-Hardeman University and Demetrius Nelson, minister of the Auburn Hills congregation in Cannon County will teach the Adult Bible classes.