Early voting now underway

Early voting for the August 4 state primary and county general election is now underway. Voting will continue Mondays through Saturdays and end Saturday, July 30.

Secretary of State Tre Hargett is encouraging voters to take advantage of early voting, which allows people to cast a ballot when it's convenient for them.
"Tennesseans broke records during the March 1 'SEC Primary' by taking advantage of early voting," Secretary Hargett said. "It will be exciting to see Tennesseans participate in the electoral process this August and November."

The easiest way for voters to find their early voting and Election Day polling locations, view and mark sample ballots, see their elected officials, districts and county election commission information as well as access online state and federal election results is through the GoVoteTN app. Voters can download the free app in the App Store or Google Play or visit GoVoteTN.com to view voter specific information.

Tennesseans voting early or on Election Day should remember to bring valid photo identification. Photo IDs issued by Tennessee state government, including driver's licenses, or the federal government are acceptable even if they are expired. College student IDs are not acceptable.
More information about what types of ID are acceptable can be found at GoVoteTN.com.

Voters are also encouraged to honor their vote with Honor Vote. The Honor Vote program allows Tennesseans to dedicate their vote to those serving or who have served our country in the U.S. military. To take advantage of this opportunity, visit GoVoteTN.com/honor.

People with questions or concerns about the voting process can go to GoVoteTN.com or call the Division of Elections toll free at 1-877-850-4959.


You can cast your early ballot at the Cannon County Election Commission Office on the following dates and times.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday
4 p.m. To 7 p.m.
Saturday (16th and 23rd)
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturday (30th)
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.