COMMENTARY: Hatfields & McCoys

KEVIN HALPERN, Courier Co-Editor

This could be a commentary about the recent TV miniseries which aired on the History Channel, “Hatfields & McCoys,” but it’s not.

It could be about the current fighting taking place within the Republican wing of the Cannon County Election Commission, and the ongoing feud between Democrats and Republicans on the commission and in the Election Office. But again, it’s not.

No, this is about a battle between boys, which reportedly took place at the local ballfields earlier this week.

From what I was told the boys, who were once friends, had had a falling out. One made fun of the other, who in return expressed a derogatory comment.

Reportedly, the one called the nasty name later met up with the name-caller, and felled him with a couple of punches.

Both sides and their kinfolk and friends tried to justify each boys' respective actions.

(Then again, this just might be about the Hatfields & McCoys and the Election Commission brouhaha.)

Seems in all walks of life people can always find ways to justify vengeful or revengeful actions.

After thinking about the situation, I sent the following text message to the person who told me of the events.

“Never be violent against another person unless in self defense. Agree?”

He did, and I would hope everyone does, because if there's one thing the Hatfields & McCoys proved, it's that violence begats violence.