Beans and cornbread...come and get it

As Billy Haley and the Comets once sang… Get out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans!!!!

The Friends of After School Kids will be having our first Beans and Cornbread Festival as a fundraiser for our Children in Cannon County on Saturday, November 16 at the Justin Pemberton Arena. All proceeds will go toward providing supplies and any other needed materials for our After School Program to run efficiently.

There will be three categories of beans and three for cornbread.

You may enter as many as you like however each will be a $10.00 entry fee.

We have: Pinto Beans, White Beans, and Green Beans, Regular Cornbread, Cracklin Cornbread, and Fried Cornbread Fritters

We will have live gospel and country music starting at 11:00. Groups are By Grace, Country Ramblers, Gilley Brothers, Men of Grace, and who knows who else may show up. The children will end our event with songs from each site. Games will also be set up for our children that they can purchase tickets to play.

We would like for our community to join in on the judging, if you or you know someone that loves good beans and cornbread please have them contact me. We need at least 20 judges and we have about ten as of now. Be a part of this great community and get involved. I know I for one would not want to hold this seat as it is going to be really hard to decide who the winner will be, however, it will be a fun time for all who participate.

The Friends of After School Kids will be awarding first, second, and third place ribbons for the winners of each category and you get to have BRAGGING RIGHTS for our 2013 event as Cannon County's Best Bean or Cornbread Cook!!

Not only will you get to see what and who is cooking in Woodbury, The Friends will offer bowls of beans and cornbread with a drink to sale at the event. We will also have desserts, so this would be a great time to pick up a whole pie or cake for Thanksgiving. Just take out of the freezer and you don't have to bake.

You can get you Entry Form by calling me with your e-mail address at 615-542-0396 or if you have any questions that I haven't answered for you. 

Deadline to get forms will be November 1st and cutoff to turn in will be November 8th, so we know what to prepare for.

Rita Cook, Festival Chairperson