Aug. 21: Readyville FCE Meeting

The Readyville FCE (Family and Community Education Association) will meet on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 11:00 am at the home of Sarah Womack of Woodbury, TN.

Kitty Bush of the Friends and Neighbors fce Club will be teaching members how to make a knitted  scarf.  Lunch and a meeting will also occur.  All members are encouraged to attend and to remember to bring their yearbook and calendars.

Programs of the Cannon County Extension service are offered to all eligible people regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability, religion or veteran status.  for further information, contact agent offices and UT Extension Agent, Carla Bush, at 615.563.2554 in Woodbury.

Submitted by,
Penny Meyers,
President, Readyville FCE