Auburntown Council Hears Updates On Water Line Progress

The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, March 2, 2010 for their regular monthly meeting. Mayor Roger Turney and all councilmen were present.

The previous minutes of February 2, 2010 were approved as presented by Winfred Gaither, City Recorder.

Rita Davis, City Treasurer, gave the financial report that showed a balance of funds in the amount of $42,759.96. Following a discussion of key expenditures the report was approved as presented.

The Mayor reported on the progress being made by the contractor installing utility water lines in this area. The water line up Bryson Hollow Rd. has been completed and water is now flowing in those lines. Although, the contractor has been hampered by a lot of cold and snowy days this year, they have been able to make considerable progress laying the lines up Hurricane Creed Rd. Hopefully, with the coming of more spring-like weather progress will quicken and water will be flowing in all the lines this summer.

Tina Fletcher gave an update on the progress being made toward securing vendors for Red Apple Day. As of the present time she has 22 booths confirmed and is working on other prospects. A discussion followed in ways to create more interest and allow patrons to participate in providing financial incentive to keep the Celebration going. No definite suggestions were adopted – further discussions will follow later.

Chris Blackburn, Fire Chief, gave an update on the operations of the Fire Dept. He commended Councilperson, Beth Hancock, on her help in providing information in securing payments for fire runs.

Haley Smith and Katie Stroud, two students from Ms. Curtis CCHS Govt. Class, attended and monitored the proceedings of this session.

The meeting began at 6:00 PM and ended approximately 25 minutes later.

Winfred Gaither, City Recorder